Are you searching beautiful greeting cards for your spouse and friends then you are right place. Perfect and affordable greeting card maker software provides quick way to design Christmas, invitation, Xmas, thank you, create New Year, valentine day, sorry, festival celebration and other type of greeting cards in less time. Superior quality greeting card designer software is the ideal choice to craft amazing greeting cards in simplified and easiest way to gift your friends and family members.Versatile greeting card maker software is devised with enhanced image designing view that provides various card designing objects including Line, Ellipse, Rectangle, Text, Star objects, Arc and Triangle to generate eye-catching greeting cards.
Enable “Start Designing Using Templates” to create greeting cards using inbuilt templates.
Select “Card Type” and “Card Category” and click on “Next” Button.
Enter the Invitation Card Details (like Greeting Title, Message, Venue) then click OK.
Specify the Shape of Label (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse) and change Background Effects as per your choice.
Set the properties and margin of the card then click Print Preview.